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Mini Bumper Cars for hire




     These bumper cars are a low-powered battery propelled vehicle, that are driven and bumped against similar ars in a special inflatable track.

     Each bumper car runs on a 12v battery, the cars speed can be altered to suit the driver. 

     All cars are set to a timer, Led flashing lights , playing children's nursery rhythms.

      All drivers drive inside a inflatable rink bump, bash. dodge other cars, 


6 x Cars each with a different face and nice solid colour body with rubber bumpers on the base .

The right foot pedal gets the bumper car moving, raise the foot to slowly stop ,

Very popular, something different and the children,adults love them . 


Free invites available from our website ..

( why not hire a inflatable as well to make it a Bump n Bounce party party package, ask for more details,also take a quick look at at our great Go Karts & Remote control Cars with racing track.


Tel: 0161 437 0633,  Mob: 07736738320,  Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Go Karts and track

Discos and karaoke for all ages

 Disco's & Karaoke for all occasions 

family & Children's entertainment